
Healthy Holiday Swaps: Lighten Up Your Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes
Thanksgiving is synonymous with indulgence, but that doesn’t mean your feast has to derail your health goals. With a few

The Importance of Personalized Nutrition Plans
Personalized Nutrition Plans In the world of health and wellness, a one-size-fits-all approach rarely leads to results, especially when it

The Benefits of Gluten Free Food
The Benefits of Gluten Free Food Starting a gluten free diet is a lifestyle choice people make for a variety

Bold Journey
Bold Journey I love sharing my personal and professional journey! Here’s my latest interview with Bold Journey Magazine. https://boldjourney.com/news/meet-lisa-agens/ If

The Benefits of Meal Prepping
The Benefits of Meal Prepping Working or going to school can be extremely time consuming, but you must eat in

How American Nutrition Compares to Other First-World Countries
How American Nutrition Compares to Other First-World Countries While America is one of the wealthier countries, it is also known

The Difference in Natural and Refined Sugars
The Difference in Natural and Refined Sugars When you’re trying to lose weight, you’re likely to monitor your sugar intake

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for the Entire Household
How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for the Entire Household Dieting in a household can feel lonely, and it can

The Difference Between Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids
The Difference Between Saturated & Unsaturated Fatty Acids Just like all food groups, fats are important and contain essential nutritional

How Good Nutrition Influences Physical Productivity
How Good Nutrition Influences Physical Productivity We all know that healthy diets are beneficial to our health and mind, but

How To Build a Healthy Relationship With Food
How To Build a Healthy Relationship With Food Food is something our bodies rely on for nourishment in order to

The Best & Worst Low Carb Foods
The Best & Worst Low Carb Foods Dieting alone can be a difficult change to make, but finding ways to

Healthy Holiday Swaps: Lighten Up Your Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes
Thanksgiving is synonymous with indulgence, but that doesn’t mean your feast has to derail your health goals. With a few

The Importance of Personalized Nutrition Plans
Personalized Nutrition Plans In the world of health and wellness, a one-size-fits-all approach rarely leads to results, especially when it

The Benefits of Gluten Free Food
The Benefits of Gluten Free Food Starting a gluten free diet is a lifestyle choice people make for a variety

Bold Journey
Bold Journey I love sharing my personal and professional journey! Here’s my latest interview with Bold Journey Magazine. https://boldjourney.com/news/meet-lisa-agens/ If

The Benefits of Meal Prepping
The Benefits of Meal Prepping Working or going to school can be extremely time consuming, but you must eat in

How American Nutrition Compares to Other First-World Countries
How American Nutrition Compares to Other First-World Countries While America is one of the wealthier countries, it is also known

The Difference in Natural and Refined Sugars
The Difference in Natural and Refined Sugars When you’re trying to lose weight, you’re likely to monitor your sugar intake

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for the Entire Household
How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for the Entire Household Dieting in a household can feel lonely, and it can

The Difference Between Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids
The Difference Between Saturated & Unsaturated Fatty Acids Just like all food groups, fats are important and contain essential nutritional

How Good Nutrition Influences Physical Productivity
How Good Nutrition Influences Physical Productivity We all know that healthy diets are beneficial to our health and mind, but

How To Build a Healthy Relationship With Food
How To Build a Healthy Relationship With Food Food is something our bodies rely on for nourishment in order to

The Best & Worst Low Carb Foods
The Best & Worst Low Carb Foods Dieting alone can be a difficult change to make, but finding ways to

The Importance of Protein For People Over 40
The Importance of Protein For People Over 40 As you become older, it may become noticeably harder to lose fat

The Role of Protein in Weight Loss
The Role of Protein in Weight Loss Losing weight has never been an easy task, and finding the right balance

5 Pantry Staples for Weight Loss
5 Pantry Staples for Weight Loss For many, grocery shopping can be a daunting task. When trying to lose weight,

What is the Paleo Diet?
What is the Paleo Diet? At Your Lean Life, it is our job to keep our clients educated while introducing

5 Reasons to Work with Your Lean Life
5 Reasons to Work with Your Lean Life At Your Lean Life, we specialize in helping obese and morbidly obese

The Do’s and Don’ts of Resistance Training
The Do’s and Don’ts of Resistance Training Resistance training is an important part of weight loss, and also supports your

3 Surprising Statistics About Long-Term Weight Loss
3 Surprising Statistics About Long-Term Weight Loss Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s Resolutions — and

3 Low-Carb Recipes for a Lean Diet Plan
3 Low-Carb Recipes for a Lean Diet Plan When you’re trying to lose weight and get lean, your diet is

The Benefits of Investing in a Nutrition Coach
The Benefits of Investing in a Nutrition Coach Dedication and discipline are required for drastic lifestyle changes. Achieving your long-term

4 Tips for Staying Lean This Holiday Season
4 Tips for Staying Lean This Holiday Season The holidays are all about family and good food! With Thanksgiving and

Besides Weight Loss, What Are The Benefits of a Low-Carb Diet?
Besides Weight Loss, What Are The Benefits of a Low-Carb Diet? Low-carb diets are often associated with weight loss. Besides

Obesity Prevention 101
Obesity Prevention 101 Obesity is a rapidly growing epidemic caused by genetics, poor eating habits, poor sleeping patterns, a lack

4 Common Gym Mistakes
4 Common Gym Mistakes Whether you’re a newbie or seasoned gym-goer, you could be making mistakes that are preventing you

Labor Day: Healthy Options for Backyard Barbecues
Labor Day: Healthy Options for Backyard Barbecues Celebrating Labor Day with a cookout? Holiday festivities can be stressful for someone

4 Easy Home Exercises
4 Easy Home Exercises Are you gym shy? Do you lead a busy life? You don’t have to live in

3 Low-Carb Dessert Recipes
3 Low-Carb Dessert Recipes Do you have a sweet tooth? Many people believe they must deprive themselves of yummy food

5 Ways to Stay Active This Summer
5 Ways to Stay Active This Summer Do you want to incorporate more movement throughout your day? You don’t have