Read the Testimonials and see the Before & After Gallery!


K.C. 9/14/2024

Lisa is fantastic! I worked with her for 6 months and lost 20 pounds! I was so amazed with the results. Prior to working with Lisa, I tried to lose weight. I worked out, watched what I ate but was never successful! I was so frustrated and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t even lose 5 pounds! Working with Lisa, I learned so much about the foods, my body, what to drink, vitamins, and how to balance it all. I’m confident now and can do it on my own. I’m getting married this fall and I am so excited to see how good I will look in my wedding dress. Thank you, Lisa!

S.D. 8/29/2024

I didn’t think I needed coaching yet I had to do something about not feeling well plus the scale kept heading in the wrong direction. Lisa taught me the value of planning my meals and being intentional about what I put in my mouth. I can tell the difference between eating the right foods vs. the wrong foods. I have lost weight, but more importantly, I no longer have upset stomach, heart burn or bloating; and I feel so much better. Lisa taught me not only how to eat right, but WHY it is important. I realized I was more attached to my comfy foods than I thought. Lisa Agens is the perfect coach: firm, positive, instructional and fun.

S.B. 6/12/2024

Working with Lisa has been life changing. Going through the Lean Life program is not just a quick fix and you go on your merry way. Lean Life helps you learn how to use food to fuel your body and work for you and your lifestyle. I learned how to manage my food intake through macros and intuitive eating, sleep hygiene and creating allowances for myself. There’s so much more to your health journey then just what you put into your mouth daily. Lean Life also teaches you how to balance your schedule, mindset and set boundaries for yourself along the way. Lisa is a great nutrition coach. She will be firm and hold you accountable. She has a positive nature and great to work with. Lisa has created a very thorough program to help anyone who is struggling with weight loss, frustration from trying everything and nothing seems to work for you.

I came to Lisa with a goal of loosing 20 lbs. I had always been thin my entire life until I hit menopause and lost both my parents within a couple years of each other. I had tried many fad diets and working out all the time but never truly dialing in my food and lifestyle. I ate fairly healthy but never enough or the right type of food to fuel my body. I signed up for the three month program and lost the 20 lbs. I had worked towards. I am still on my health journey, but going into the maintenance side. Very happy with my decision to work with Lisa and I highly recommend her.

L.H. 1/12/2024

As we welcome 2024 with our resolutions in hand, I wanted to personally thank Lisa Agens with Your Lean Life.  I have worked with Lisa on both my nutritional goals and fitness goals and can tell you she is an absolute rockstar in this area.  She goes above and beyond to help her clients achieve their goals whether it’s losing weight, reprograming how you think about food or fitness training for strength and overall health wellness.  Lisa has not only shown me how to get out of my own comfort zone, but also, pushed me to the next level in my fitness training when I doubted myself.  She is your accountability partner, biggest cheerleader, motivator, and support line.   

Highly recommend reaching out to Lisa if your new year goal is to focus on your new self of weight loss or strength training for better overall mental health.   Are you ready to live Your Lean Life?

R.A. 1/11/2024

Lisa is an amazing coach! Accessible, informative, knowledgeable, and held me accountable for results. She has helped me so much with my weight loss and overall fitness. My food mindset is completely changed! Lost about 60 lbs, off diabetes meds, reduced blood pressure meds, tons more energy. Jeans down from a 42 to a 32 waste!!! Don’t fear the middle seat on airline flights! Only complaint – I had to replace my entire wardrobe!!! Overall – Well worth the time and money!!!

B.T. 11/24/2023

I’ve been working with Lisa for a little over a year and the amount of progress I’ve made in that time is more than I’ve made in the previous 10 years. The combination of weight loss, strength / balance improvement, and education about nutrition / wellness that I’ve gained while working with Lisa is more than with its weight in gold!

H.L. 11/6/2023

I recently finished a three month session with Lisa, and it was well worth the time, money, and effort. Not only was Lisa professional and available throughout the entire session, she knew the perfect amount of positive coaching to provide so that I met my goals. She addressed both the nutritional aspect of a healthy lifestyle, but also focused on overall lifestyle and triggers that can lead to progress slowing or halting. I would definitely recommend her program to anyone that feels stuck or unable to accomplish their fitness/weight goals on their own. She helped me accomplish in three months my weight-loss goal that I had been working on by myself for three years. Thank you!!!


A.R. 11/5/2023

Lisa Agens gave me my life back! As a former athlete for most of my life I never struggled with weight issues… until…. Peri menopause and menopause…. I ate healthy or what I was told was healthy but there were other factors that kept compounding my desire to lose the weight that kept creeping on. I had an incredibly stressful 80hr/week job that contributed to my adrenal fatigue, but that was not the only reason I could not lose weight. The less I ate, the more weight I gained. I wasn’t starving myself by any means but I was eating such small portions with no effective changes. For 8 1/2 years I struggled for the answers. I knew in my heart that pills or shots were not the answer for me. There was a root cause and I was trying to find it. I was able to correct the adrenal fatigue but no one could help me with the weight loss. Being an athlete I turned to trainers who gave me workouts and I followed diligently with no results and the trainers believed I must not be doing the exercises. I felt defeated over and over again One day my neighbor told me about a nutritionist he was working with. I had a glimmer of excitement but I did not do anything because I had tried for so long to find an answer so why might this be different. After a couple of months I did reach out and read Lisa’s story. I realized that she was about my age and I thought she might be worth me talking to. With reservation, I reached out on a weekend and she responded right away. There was a genuineness in her text that gave me hope. I started working with Lisa and following diligently the plan she laid out for me. I couldn’t believe all the food I was supposed to consume in a day. At first I did not believe it but the results were proof. Lisa also makes time every week for face to face (zoom) meetings to go over the past weeks progress and discuss any obstacles along the way. Honing in on my macros and electrolytes were key for me. These were new focus areas for me and learning how my body responds to potassium, sodium, and magnesium were instrumental in my journey. I started sleeping through the night again which was something I hadn’t seen in years. My hot flashes minimized. My strength started to return and the weight started peeling off……there underneath it all was me again. Lisa will always hold a special place in my life. She gave me the key to unlock my lean life……. She can do the same for you!

A.K. 10/20/2023

Lisa is awesome! My teenager son wanted to start lifting weight. I hired Lisa to train him on it so he won’t easily injure himself. Lisa helped guide him into a very confident young man that wanted to further challenge himself by joining ROTC. We love Lisa and it was worth the investment! Thank you Lisa! Oh, my son said that Lisa is super nice!

B.S.S. 9/18/2023

If Lisa says you will have your weight goal reached by a given time, get ready for it. It WILL happen. The only way it won’t is if YOU don’t do your part. Frankly, Lisa does all the hard leg work. You just have to eat and you will loose the excess and keep your muscle. I went from 150 to 112. In the 6 months Lisa and I predetermined. If you don’t allow yourself to do the 6 months of her educated and fine tuned plan, you will continue to search for help to lose weight and get your life back. Seriously, I have my life back and I recognize me again. If you don’t want that, then don’t bother calling her. You are literally only 6 months away from taking off the weight you want off and feeling so happy finally!!!


I greatly appreciate all of the things you have done for me with learning how to lose weight. The program is just not a weight loss program it is a way of life that has made me be able to be active again.On my 46th birthday I ran 6.5 miles and it’s all do to the fact I was healthy again!

J.Q. 6/15/2023

I came to Lisa asking for help on learning how to eat properly.  As a middle aged man with a running problem, I exercised a lot and never saw a change in my weight.  With Lisa’s guidance and plan, I lost 19 lbs in 12 weeks, but most importantly,  I learned the right amount of macros to fuel my body,  stay satiated, and stop unnecessary snacking.  As a result of my new knowledge I know how to choose my food anywhere I go and I also don’t feel bad about enjoying any indulgence.  I can’t say enough about Lisa, other than if you need help and your ready for change, she’s a great person to work with to accomplish your goals. 

Corporate Presentation 3/28/2023

Lisa prepared a 6 session chat for our company and it was fantastic!  She did this concurrently with a weigh loss challenge and we saw almost 100lbs lost over the span of 10 weeks.  This was definitely attributed to her tips and efforts with our team.  We are looking for a way to bring her back soon!

J.E. 1/1/2023

Lisa is knowledgeable and really takes the time to explain all the processes. The weekly assignments break everything into bite-size learnable knowledge golden nuggets. She takes the time to get to know you, your needs, your thought patterns around food and takes a personal custom approach to help guide you to your goals! 

D.H. 11/23/2022

I’ve never had much luck with diets before and my weight was at the mercy of my life.. if I was on vacation, if I was sick, well, stressed, contented….. This is the first time I have been in control of MY weight!  I was unaware that the things I was eating were sabotaging me.  The book, the App, the daily accountability for what food was going in to my mouth was just the start.  Weekly coaching by Lisa Agen helped me to make better choices, stick to whole foods, get creative with what I ate and how it affected me.  It was a whole new understanding for me and the pounds melted off.  My previous stomach issues actually subsided as I stuck to whole foods and I finally, once and for all, was in CONTROL of my weight and not the opposite (it being in control of me).  Thanks Lisa !  I highly recommend My Lean Life for a customized plan and coaching to get you to the weight you desire!

V.S. 11/4/2022

At the start I was overwhelmed, I wasn’t used to being so strict and I wasn’t truly committed. I started off at 200 ( I’m 5ft and 17) with Lisa’s coaching she got me to 150 and counting. Not only did she show me how to be healthy, she also helped me love myself again. I did her 24 week program and I don’t regret a minute, I learned so much! It blows my mind how what she taught me about nutrition isn’t taught to everyone. It’s definitely not easy but it’s worth it! 

D.F. 11/2/2022

Lisa is absolutely phenomenal she helped my daughters and I lose 40+ pounds. Through education and personal experiences, she provided us with an helped us learn our bodies and a more effective way of eating. My body is a direct result of her help. Looking good and feeling good. I’m not going to deny it for one minute. I came to her thinking that my age of 41 was going to hold me back from my goals, weighting in at 247 lbs. I’m currently under 200 lb and that was only 28 Weeks ago. So yeah, absolutely she’s the best at what she does highly recommend her!!! Big thanks 


K.W. 10/19/2022

Lisa has helped me lose 30 pounds so far while learning about nutrition. I’ve tried and failed on my own so many times but this time, thanks to Lisa and her knowledge, I’m confident I can reach my goal and live a healthier lifestyle! 

Update:  Final 59.2#!

R.M. 8/3/2022

I just completed 12 weeks of nutritional coaching with Lisa, and she has been a God-send. I’m down 10.8 pounds, 15.5″, and 6.11 BF%. I had almost given up, because I had been constantly gaining over a 6-month period, even though I was in a previous group-focused program and thought I had learned all I could. Boy was I wrong. I already knew what a great training coach she is, but she really helped me to delve deeper into the mindset, my relationship with food, and focusing on better food and lifestyle choices with still some flexibility. I looked forward to the weekly assignments and one-on-one discussions with her. It was seriously counseling and really put me at ease and helped set me up for success. The added daily pep talks and critiques of my meal plan in Cronometer were golden and really kept me focused. Lisa is very direct but kind, and that is so key. You need someone who is going to tell it like it is and not let you get away with excuses and pity parties. I still have some leaning out to do, but as long as I continue using the tools Lisa has provided, I should have no trouble reaching my goal. 

Further, I continue to follow my customized workout plans that she develops based on my goals and areas where I need to improve. I am like a sponge, taking in as much of her expertise as possible via form checks and video tutorials, to increase my weightlifting knowledge and strength. Lisa is the best and I recommend that you have a consultation with her and give her a try. 

L.J. 7/26/2022

WE DID IT! 19.2 pounds DOWN, 41.25 inches LOST, And 6.75% body Fat LOST! Lisa was a heaven-sent answered prayer. I participated in her 3-month program and lost 20lbs. Before connecting with Lisa, I didn’t have much hope; after years (literally years) of working my heart out at the gym, I had no weight loss results. Then came YLL, and after six years of me trying, she was able to direct, motivate and teach me within three months of weight loss. Weekly accountability was a key to my success. I am beyond grateful and genuinely believe YLL was an answered prayer. I now have clear direction on what “I” need to do to ensure weight loss amongst a sea of weight loss solutions. 

B.M. 4/7/2022

My Fat Loss Journey has been so informative, interesting and amazing and actually fun-complete with ups and downs (the down parts consisted of when I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to!) Lisa’s stellar guidance every step of the was beyond invaluable. It helped to know that she’s traveled this very road herself before.  Even better, she STAYED with what she’d achieved for herself. That’s the key! She brings a myriad of ongoing training and impressive credentials to the table as a professional, but I still appreciate she’s experienced it -personally-for herself.  I am 110% convinced there is no way I could have possibly had success without her TLC, tough love when needed, amazing support, all while providing  me with endless, ongoing  teaching & knowledge about  nutrition, sleep, electrolytes, habits, discipline, having a “WHY” and much more.  I know I’m not alone in realizing that without the guidance from, and accountability to a coach, nothing will ever get accomplished.  In a world full of information bombardment, claiming that pills, shakes, bars & whatnot will “save the day”, it was refreshing to get down to basics based on actual SCIENCE. PROVEN science.  Lisa helped me realize I was worth it.  At, 71, I feel better than I have in 20 years. Not to mention I’m no longer carrying the equivalent weight of a bear cub on my back, my joints, or my knees any longer. (My knees are as grateful as I am!)  Do yourSELF a favor….call Lisa…NOW! You’re worth it, you CAN do it, and with Lisa showing you the way it’ll be fun & informative. Really! (& please don’t worry about being hungry….I’ve never eaten so much food in my life!).  All real, whole food. All GOOD for me.  (You know… food is supposed to be!)  


A.F. 12/7/2021

After women hit a certain age they quickly discover that their bodies don’t work like they used to.  I so appreciate Lisa for teaching me how to learn to eat right for the stage I am in now.   The information she shared has made a tremendous difference in how I look and feel.  The tools she taught are things that I can apply to every-day life without having to research all the fads or special diets.   It is a straight-forward program of learning to eat smart.   I highly recommend this program and Lisa to anyone!  Give it a try.

R.M. 11/8/2021

Thank you, Lisa! I had always allowed my head space to be negative in stopping me from giving it a try.  Once I was ready, you made each step understandable.  I am a numbers person, so I appreciated the challenge of making the numbers match each day.  I’m not saying it is/was easy by any means, but with your coaching guidance, it was successful for me.  I never dreamed I would hit a fast goal by the seven-week mark!

J.W. 10/12/2021

I met Lisa via my networking team and my life has changed forever. I can never Thank Lisa enough for truly changing my life. I’m down 17lbs from her 8 week program and plan on losing another 40+lbs to be at my dream weight. I was just so sick and tired of being sick and tired I needed a Major Change in my Diet and Lisa’s program was a Perfect Fit for me. I’m eating Great Food and LMNT Electrolytes. I’m 58 yrs old and want to be healthy and live a much longer life. I’m on the Best Plan there is. Lisa has developed a Scientific Plan that works Period. Don’t Wait Take Action Now and Contact Lisa at Your Lean Life to Change Your Life.

K.R. 6/20/2021

I had the best experience with Lisa from Your Lean Life!  I first decided to see Lisa when I kept gaining weight during menopause.  My eating habits were already healthy, but I was stuck gaining extra menopause weight month after month.

As soon as I started with Lisa, she created a full plan specific to me, and to my surprise the plan was full of variety.  Lisa was always so helpful when it came to food, offering lots of advice and suggesting plenty of alternatives to certain foods.  She really knows her stuff when it comes to nutrition.

During my time with Lisa, I learned so much: what foods I should be eating, what foods I should avoid, the importance of electrolytes, I really enjoy the meals I create and I feel so much better for it now!

The sessions I did with Lisa were brilliant!  With Lisa’s program I could see the advantages within the first couple of weeks. In total I’m down 2 dress sizes and I’m fitting into clothes that couldn’t go near a year ago.  I feel stronger, fitter and more toned and I could not be happier with the results.

Lisa goes above and beyond for her clients, she is extremely knowledgeable in her field, she is professional, friendly, and helpful and I don’t think I could ask for more!  She will give you the tools and education you need to succeed so when your time is completed with her, you will have the knowledge to continue losing weight.  I would highly recommend Your Lean Life to anyone.  If you are on the fence, just do it, you will not regret it.

J.G. 6/16/2021

I started with Lisa earlier this year weighing in at 172 pounds.  I was tired and discouraged because, although I had lost weight before by going to a “diet center”.  I gained weight again when I stopped eating the bars and shakes provided by the Center.

The only way I knew to lose weight was by using tricks and gimmicky products.  Eventually, my body rejected these products likely due to them containing a large amount of soy and preservatives.  Whenever I would eat them, I would break out in to a rash and get migraines.

Through online recommendations, I found Lisa Agens at Your Lean Life.  After I consulted with Lisa, I began to feel some hope that I could lose weight without purchasing expensive, fake food.  I started with her recommendations and the weight started coming off.  I lost an average of 1 lb per week without exercise.  Aside from losing weight by eating whole foods, something almost miraculous happened!  My migraines have all but disappeared!  Lisa taught me how to balance my electrolytes through diet.  Now I know that when my electrolytes are out of balance, a headache is coming and I can adjust accordingly.  That is huge for me as migraines were a weekly event for me and kept me from getting the most of my life.

I still have weight to lose but now know that I can do it using foods that I purchase from the grocery store.  I never thought I would weigh 150 lbs again.  Now, I am only a few pounds from that benchmark and plan to keep losing after I reach 150.  

If you are tired of being tired and want to feel younger and healthier, give Lisa a call.  Your body will thank you! 

B.J. 6/13/2021

I have yoyo dieted from the age of 25-47. Tried every fad diet, pill, cleanse there is. At 47 my Blood Pressure was off the charts even with 3 prescriptions daily. I decided I had to do something. I searched and found that Lisa Agnes with Your Lean Life had more awesome reviews and referrals than anyone else out there.  I contacted her and the results speak for themselves. I started in mid-October 2020 at 184lbs. I am now 135lbs down over 5 clothes sizes, lost countless inches (all without exercise I might add) but the best result was the fact that I am now off all blood pressure meds. With her program, I have learned about food and how it relates to my body and the way to make my choices work for me. I have never had something that can follow me after the journey. Pills go away; you gain back more than you lost. Same with cleanse and all those other fads. With Lisa, I now know how to make the right choices and stick to them. I also know with the long journey how to have little slips and get right back on. Just have to remember not to make big ones. I strongly recommend her 20 stars out of 10 if that is possible. Love all you have done for me Lisa. Now I am determined to add working out to my journey so I can tone up all I have lost and she set me up with a great easy to start program for that as well! 

O.S. 6/5/2021

Lisa is an amazing individual who truly cares about you and your well being. She taught me how to be independent when choosing the best foods for my body and always supported me 100% of the way! I have been trying to lose weight (on my own and through other programs) for such a long time, but was never successful until I found Your Lean Life. I’m forever grateful for Lisa and her knowledge, guidance, and willingness to help me understand my relationship with food! 

M.O. 4/3/2021

My journey with Lisa Agens-Your Lean Life, began back at the beginning of February 2021 when I was at my highest weight ever! At first when Lisa sent me the initial information, it felt overwhelming, but she was always there to answer my questions, explain and guide me through texts, emails, and phone calls. With the macros that Lisa calculated for me, I managed to lose 5 lbs in the first week of the program. During the Zoom meetings, she was always very patient, thorough, and professional when answering my questions. I’m excited to say that after 8 weeks of following the Tier 1 tailored plan that Lisa created for me, I have lost 20.4lbs! I feel energetic, lighter, and happier about my body. I believe that this program is the best, not only because I’m losing weight, but also because I’m learning about how to keep the weight off. I look forward to the next 8-week Tier 2 program with Lisa Agens-Your Lean Life.

K.P. 2/24/2021

I’ve worked with Lisa the last 7 weeks with her weight loss and training program and highly recommend her to anyone wanting to lose weight and establish better eating habits for life long health. I’m currently down 21# and on track to lose another 20# in the next 8-10 weeks. I needed the daily encouragement, tips and guidelines to make sure I was hitting my macros and talking myself out of the temptations to eat things I knew I shouldn’t be eating. My favorite is “No one wants to diet. Do it right, get it done quickly and move on to maintenance” Thank you Lisa for getting me on track to a healthy new lifestyle! 

B.J. 1/23/2021

Lisa is awesome at what she does. She is always there to answer questions and help through any snag or situation. She is proactive with situations that may cause snags as well. 

S.W. 10/29/2020

Lisa is outstanding!  She is very knowledgeable about the content matter.  She personalizes the plan to your needs and goals.  Lisa wants you to not only meet your goals, but crush them.  In 8 weeks I lost almost 12 pounds, 14% body fat, and 29 inches!  I am just starting my journey and I can’t wait to me a few more months down the road and carrying a lot less body fat!   You won’t regret using Lisa!  I highly recommend her. 

L.S. 9/28/2020

After an 8 week session with Lisa, I was able to lose 10lbs. when I hadn’t been able to get the needle to move anywhere but up for MONTHS!  Her knowledge, recommendations, insight, and support were life giving and she helped me change things that I had not been able to change on my own.  I’m so grateful for her gifts and expertise!

N.B. 9/17/2020

I had been able to lose weight in the past but over the last 6 years my weight crept up a couple pounds here and there and no matter what I did it wouldn’t budge down. When you don’t want to do family pictures its time to do something. I reached out to Lisa for help and she sure delivered. She is so supportive, explains everything so well, very patient.  I had so much food to eat that I was surprised I was going to lose weight. She really changed MY perception of food and understanding of how to eat in a healthy way to lose weight. Thank you, Lisa. 

A.C. 9/7/2020

So grateful to have been referred to Lisa at Your Lean Life! She has helped me to completely change my mindset around food. After years of yo-yo-ing and never really getting close to my goal, I’m confident she will help me get there (and beyond with maintenance)! Thanks for helping me lose 50+ lbs in three months! 

G.H. 7/25/2020

Ten months after a radical hysterectomy, I found myself larger than I’d ever been and hopeless to regain my health. After yo-yo dieting with several fad diets, I gave up on myself and my ability to keep the weight off. Then came Lisa. Wow! I am still unsure of how I can eat so much and lose weight! There are no gimmicks. No pills. No shots. No bars. No shakes. I eat real food and get amazing results. Not only have I lost weight, but I have gained so much knowledge and confidence in what I need to fuel my body in a healthy way. Lisa is a no-nonsense coach who will encourage you and hold you accountable, so you are able to reach your goals. She gives you every tool necessary for success. Take the plunge! You have nothing to lose…except body fat!  

S.J. 4/22/2020

I took for granted that I was always able to control my weight. 5 years ago, that was put to the test. It started with a cervical disk herniation followed by foot pain and then menopause. My narcolepsy plays a part too. My diet wasn’t helping with the fatigue or my weight and the in activity resulted in a 40lb weight gain.
I was able to get some of the weight off but not enough, not until I reached out to Lisa.
Lisa is an excellent coach! She is always ready to help and answer questions, provide knowledge and give support. Without her guidance and expertise, I would never have been able to achieve my goals.
With tools in hand, I am on my way to achieve those goals. Eight weeks in and I have lost 12lbs, I have more energy than ever before and am no longer snacking to stay awake as I am satisfied and nourished

J.T. 03/05/2020

Lisa has truly transformed my eating habits. I had gotten really off track and had tried several diets with limited success (you are your own worst enemy sometimes). Having Lisa there to guide me with nutrition AND hold me accountable has been incredible. She doesn’t do any *crazy* diets, but uses real scientific research to guide your meal plan for what your body needs. I have learned so much and I’ve lost almost thirty pounds in 8 weeks. This is my first time working with someone one on one and it has been life changing. I highly recommend her!  

K.D. 1/29/2020

 Lisa with Your Lean Life has helped my son and me get on target with achieving our weight and fat loss goals. The personalized service is just the right amount of motivation and education to help you build healthy lifestyle habits.  

Q 10/7/2019

My experience with Lisa and Your Lean Life has been exceptional! Lisa is an awesome coach! She is professional, knowledgeable, and caring. She has not only helped me attain my nutritional goals, but helped me understand how to maintain the goals I’ve achieved. She knows how to motivate and encourage with the proper bedside manner. 

She conducts her business with integrity and I trust her. I highly recommend her!

S.H.D. 7/8/2019

You need to love yourself enough to contact Lisa Agen!  For years, I too have failed at trying to lose weight on my own. For some reason, I always cheat on myself or just give up because I do not see results. I am about 50 pounds overweight. Maybe, being overweight is how I am supposed to be…NOT!  For the first time, ever, with Lisa’s help, I am able to see results and maintain the weight loss!  I needed accountability, I needed guidance and support.  Lisa provided all that for me and now my BP is almost normal,  I have lost 20” overall and down 14#s and counting on my way to MY Lean Life!!

Thank You Lisa!!!

R.G. 7/3/2019

Lisa has truly changed my life! I learned how to eat right, lose weight and overall feel great! She is very knowledgeable and is right by your side through your journey.  When you are struggling, she is right there guiding you. I would highly recommend Lisa to anyone who wants real results. She’s the best!

R.M. 6/13/2019

Lisa Agens is amazing!  I had tried a number of weight loss options and nothing seemed to work for me.  I completed my first 8 week program and immediately signed up for another 8 weeks. I began 3/14/19 and, as of 6/13/19, I am down nearly 33 lbs and 37” overall…all with no pills, supplements, or special foods.  If you want sustainable results, call Lisa.

K.G. 6/10/2019

Lisa is very knowledgeable about food and losing weight. She kept me accountable for everything I ate and did. I enjoyed working with her, and I’m sure I will see her again in the future.

R.M. 4/11/2019

Lisa does amazing work!  I had tried Weight Watchers, Quick Weight Loss, Shakeology, juicing, you name it, all with no success.  I’ve been working with Lisa for 4 weeks and have already lost 21 pounds with no pills, supplements, or special foods. I would highly recommend her.

N.H. 3/9/2019

Despite a long-established background in marathon and ultra-running, I took my nutrition for granted. Again and again, I would go through the cycle of “I’m in training, I can eat anything”. I would subsequently be left with significant weight gain due to terrible eating habits. I decided that enough was enough. I was tired of the cyclical weight gain and weight loss, but more than that, I was concerned for my overall health.

Fast forward 12 months and I’d lost more than 20% of my body weight through HIIT and low carb dieting. I was thrilled, yet I now had a different problem: I was “skinny fat”, with very little muscle definition and a high body fat %, despite reaching my goal weight. 

I started strength training but didn’t understand the incredibly significant connection between diet and exercise for the purposes of changing body fat/ muscle composition. Macros, calories, net carbs, protein, fats… to Keto, to not Keto? It’s all so confusing, isn’t it? 

I’ve found Lisa to be an excellent coach – she has been consistently generous with her knowledge. Specifically, she is always proactive in responding to questions and very clear in her communications. 

I would go as far as to say that Lisa has been pivotal in helping me in empowering myself so that I have more direction in my “recomp” journey. I can not recommend her enough as a coach- her help and knowledge continues to be invaluable for me.

J.C. 2/20/2019

Lisa is so knowledgeable about what you need to be the healthiest version of yourself. She is so patient while you learn your new way of living and always there to answer questions, no matter what! I have learned so much these past couple months and I am so excited to continue this journey with her as my Coach!!!! Do yourself a favor and start NOW – you will not regret it!!!!!!

K.S. 12/28/2018

For the first time in many years I was able to succeed in losing weight, getting my blood pressure and glucose level down, and feeling so much better.  I have energy now I thought I’d never have again.  Lisa Agens is gifted in counseling and imparting her storehouse of experience and information.  She was always positive and built confidence in me.  I thought I knew everything about nutrition, but I found out much of my information was wrong.  I believe Your Lean Life literally saved my life. I highly recommend Your Lean Life for anyone especially if you feel there is no hope.