Tips for Overcoming Gym Insecurity This Summer

Summer is among us! Are you wanting to be more active and healthy this summer but dread going to the gym? We get it — the gym can be an intimidating place for beginners. Here are a few tips for overcoming gym insecurity this summer:

Plan a routine

The gym can be especially intimidating if you try to “wing it.” That’s why it’s important that you go in with a plan. Develop a routine before you even hit the gym! Maybe you plan to focus on arms MWF and legs TTh. Decide what machines you’re going to focus on each day, how many sets/reps of each exercise, which weights you’re going to use, etc. Preparedness yields confidence!

Go with a friend

Not ready to hit the gym alone? Bring a friend along until you’re comfortable! Bringing a friend not only takes away some of the pressure but can also make exercising fun. You won’t be concerned about whether there are eyes on you if you’re busy having fun. Working out with a friend is also a great way to hold one another accountable. Finally, consider your gym’s peak hours when organizing sessions with friends to avoid crowds.

Wear workout clothes you feel comfortable in

Due to toxic gym culture, many people feel pressured to wear cute, revealing workout clothes to the gym. But if that’s not something you feel comfortable wearing, it’s certainly not something you’d feel comfortable working out in in front of other people. You’re at the gym to workout, not to impress others. Wear what makes you feel comfortable — even if that’s a baggy t-shirt and leggings. 

Work with a trainer

Many people are intimidated by the gym because they simply don’t know what they’re doing. With so many machines, limited knowledge on proper form, and an audience, the idea of working out can be dreadful. However, overcoming gym insecurity starts with getting educated. 

If you’re not quite sure how to get started, partner with a personal trainer. Most gyms offer personal training services for those needing a little extra help.

Want to get in shape but not sure how to get started? At Your Lean Life, we offer personal training programs in 1-on-1 and MiniGroup settings. Nutrition is just as important as fitness, which is why we also offer nutritional programs for those looking to improve their diet. Interested in learning more about our servicesContact us today!