Obesity Prevention 101

Obesity is a rapidly growing epidemic caused by genetics, poor eating habits, poor sleeping patterns, a lack of physical activity, and more. Here are some tips on how you can prevent obesity. 


Quit/Limit Unhealthy Foods

It can be difficult or unnecessary to completely quit foods deemed  ‘unhealthy’ such as grains, sweets, potatoes, red meat, processed meat, and sugary drinks; however, understanding what “unhealthy” may mean and why it is deemed such or limiting yourself to a very small amount would make a difference! Moderation is key. You can still eat many of these foods, while maintaining a balanced diet.

Burn Calories With Physical Activity

Starting a gym routine requires discipline, and consistency – making it hard for individuals with busy schedules to keep up. It is important to mention that intense strength training and long hours spent on the treadmill are not required for preventing obesity; walking your animals, finding a Zumba video on YouTube, and biking are just a few of the alternatives. 

Incorporating physical activity stabilizes your metabolism, and even regulates sleep and stress. 

Move Your Body More

Obesity is common in people who live sedentary lifestyles. Sedentary is defined as an individual who spends most of their time inactive. Living a sedentary lifestyle makes you sluggish, slows down your metabolism, and often leads to weight gain due to the lack of physical activity. Watching TV and taking naps are good every once in a while, but are unhealthy when paired with poor eating habits and lack of exercise. 

Get Plenty of Sleep

When our busy schedules take over, sleep becomes an afterthought. However, getting six to eight hours of sleep every night is crucial for our bodies to maintain a healthy metabolism. We burn calories as we sleep, but only when our bodies rest properly. 

In addition, getting exercise improves sleep quality. So, maybe next time you feel awake in the afternoon, go for a brisk walk and you might just come home ready for bed! 

Manage Stress

Work, school, and a busy personal life can cause a lot of unnecessary stress. However, when we’re stressed, we produce excess cortisol which may result in weight gain. Manage weight gain by managing your stress levels! Focus on your time management skills, practice boundaries at work, and try your best not to procrastinate. If you feel that stress is taking over your life, take a step back and reassess your priorities. You are only human; your health comes first. 

Obesity is tricky, but not impossible to overcome. Practice these five tips, and you will be on the right track. For more information, or guidance during your fitness journey, contact Your Lean Life.