5 Pantry Staples for Weight Loss

For many, grocery shopping can be a daunting task. When trying to lose weight, finding the time to prepare a well-balanced meal can put a lot of pressure on you. Keeping certain foods in stock at home can help you achieve nutritious meals any day of the week. Your Lean Life has compiled a list of 5 pantry / refrigerator / freezer staples you can always count on:

Lean Ground Turkey

Adding ground turkey to the mix can be beneficial for you and your family in many different ways. For one, using turkey meat over beef can cut back on carbs, gluten, and can even lower cholesterol. Turkey has become a protein favorite because of its versatility. It works great in soups, tacos, casseroles, stir-frys, pasta dishes, and more. Using turkey can help anyone who is looking for healthier ideas without sacrificing good flavor. 


Eggs are a great source of protein while being low in calories, so having them on hand is always a plus. They are also very filling, reducing appetite and extending fullness between meals. Eggs are known to also boost your metabolism because of their good balance of amino acids and the amount of protein they contain. Your body uses more energy to digest and metabolize protein packed foods, which can cause you to burn more calories when you add them to your diet. While eating eggs alone will support weight-loss, they are also versatile in the kitchen when trying new recipes.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil is extracted from olives and is a natural oil many people opt to cook with. Olive oil is packed with advantageous nutrients such as omega-6, omega 3 fatty acids, and Monounsaturated fatty acids (Oleic acid). Oleic acid is known to reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and can lower the chances of heart disease and stroke. It serves as a great salad dressing or a healthy fat in any meal. 


Nuts can help keep meals satisfying with texture and flavor in moderation. Though it depends on the kind of nut, many nuts are packed with nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fats, and fiber. While nuts contain “good” fats, it doesn’t mean the calories won’t count against you. Keep track of your macros and enjoy this healthy snack in moderation. 

Frozen and Canned Fruits & Vegetables 

Obviously, fruits and vegetables are great to always have around. They make wonderful snacks and can add a lot of flavor to your cooking. Although it’s nice to have fresh fruit and vegetables on hand, they don’t always make it to the end of the week. These perishables can be purchased frozen or canned to eat at your convenience, making it easier to incorporate them into recipes without wasting any uneaten produce. 

It can be hard to keep yourself disciplined during the work week, but remember your goals and opt out for an easy, nutritious meal. Keep up with your weight-loss journey by adding these pantry staples to the mix in order to maintain your new and improved lifestyle. 

Want more recommendations for a busy work week? Contact Your Lean Life today!