About me and my journey

My name is Lisa Agens. I was there and I am not going back.

I have always had a passion to educate.  It started when I was a dancer.  I quickly became a teachers assistant and then a teacher.  I understood the connection between being able to do something and being able to educate about it.  My first college degree was in dance and I got my first taste of science.  I was never the leanest dancer, but I was happy with my body.  When I stopped dancing, I didn’t stop eating like I was dancing…and I quickly gained weight.  

I tried various diets, to some degree of success, but I never really learned HOW to eat to sustain a healthy weight.  I certainly didn’t understand any progress beyond the scale weight, either.  I counted points, drank shakes, ate bars, all the while not knowing about nutrition.  The weight went…and came back…and went…and I was on a constant yo-yo of dieting because nothing was sustainable.  I hadn’t actually received any education or knowledge about how to eat.  

When I went back to college for Dental Hygiene, I learned a lot more about science and our bodies and started to understand nutrition much more.  That didn’t mean I applied it and my weight continued to fluctuate, topping out at 275# at 5’8″.

The icing on the cake was after I had a hysterectomy and the hormones changed!  NOTHING was working!  I “ate healthy” and “exercised” and nothing would change…until I found out about Keto/Low Carb/Paleo and counting MACROS while eating in a deficit.  The weight started to come off and kept coming off.  Finally I found what I needed, to feed my body the foods it needs to function while not feeding it too much and not feeling deprived.  What is the best diet to lose weight?  The one you can sustain!

I have continued my education in Nutrition and am Certified by ISSA as a Specialist in Fitness Nutrition and am a Precision Nutrition Nutritional Coach.  I am a Menno Henselmans Certified Personal Trainer and a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and continue to expand my Nutrition and Personal Training knowledge through certifications and continuing education because I do not believe you should stop learning, especially when it comes to ever evolving science.

I would now like to help YOU learn what it takes to attain your goals of getting Lean, help keep you motivated by providing support and teach you the tools for staying Lean for the rest of your life.  For Your Lean Life.

Download Volume 1 Issue 2 of Go2 Karate

Download Volume 1 Issue 3 of Go2 Karate

Download Volume 2 Issue 1 of Go2 Karate

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Your Lean Life

(832) 289-0489

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