Cauliflower Cheese Casserole AKA “Mac” & Cheese

Mac & Cheese is about the creaminess and cheesiness of a casserole, and can be just as satisfying and delicious without compromising your carbs or fat AND while still getting in protein!  This is easy to convert to a vegetarian dish by removing the ham and adding additional cottage cheese or tofu!

1000 grams (1 large head) raw cauliflower

300 grams 2% cottage cheese (drain any excess liquid before mixing)

50 grams (1 large) egg

200 grams shredded fat free cheddar cheese, divided into 2 100 gram portions

100 grams light canned coconut milk

15 grams large flake nutritional yeast

2 grams dried parsley

6 grams fine sea or pink salt

1 gram ground white pepper

1 gram paprika

400 grams cooked ham

50 grams parmesan Whisps

Preheat oven to 350°

Wash, thoroughly dry and chop cauliflower into bite size pieces and place in large bowl.

Chop ham into bite size pieces and place in same large bowl.

Crush Whisps into crunchy powder and set aside.

In a food processor, blend cottage cheese, egg, cheddar cheese, coconut milk, nutritional yeast, parsley, salt, pepper and paprika until smooth.

Add cheese sauce to large bowl and mix well with cauliflower and ham.

Spread evenly in 9×13 glass baking dish. Top with remaining 100 grams of cheddar and whisp powder.

Bake 350° for 30 minutes, high broil for 5 minutes. Remove from oven and let stand for 15 minutes or until cheese tightens up.

Serves 8

Per Serving

Protein 29 grams

Total Carbs 11 grams

Net Carbs 8 grams

Fat 8.4 grams


Pumpkin Pie Spice

Variety is the spice of life and this Pumpkin Pie Spice is no different!  You can use it in a multitude of ways; Desserts, Coffee, Pancakes, Waffles & Oatmeal just to name a few!

  • Author: Coach Lisa


Units Scale

12 grams ground cinnamon

5 grams ground ginger

5 grams ground nutmeg

3.5 grams ground allspice

3.5 grams ground cloves


Mix together and weigh out what you need per recipe!

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