Most people have experienced a plateau on their weight loss journey. What is a weight loss plateau and how can you move past it? Your Lean Life has compiled a list of tips to help you overcome plateaus:
Reassess your habits
When you’ve hit a wall and are no longer progressing, it’s important to reassess your habits. We recommend using a food journal or habit tracker. Throughout the day, document meals, snacks, and exercise. When you can visualize your habits, you can easily identify when you’re overindulging or not getting enough activity throughout the day.
Adjust your calorie-to-exercise ratio
Calories are energy for our bodies — and fat cells store energy. If you’re consuming more calories than you’re burning, you may experience a plateau or even weight gain. It’s important to follow a plan that fuels your body and provides results.
Reassess your micronutrients
Many people don’t realize the importance of electrolytes in a whole food program. If your electrolytes intake is inadequate, too high, or off balance, it can lead to the appearance of a plateau. Fatigue, water retention, headaches, joint aches, and a plethora of other issues can be a sign of poor electrolyte management.

Incorporate more activity throughout the day
Many people hit a plateau and think they need to increase the frequency and intensity of their workout routines. Work smarter, not harder. Your body benefits from strength training, but does need recovery time too. On days you do not participate in formal exercise, stay active — walks, bike rides, and doing things you enjoy that get you moving will only help. Focus on increasing your day-to-day movement. Take the stairs, park farther from the door, and take breaks from work to move.
Be consistent with your workout routine
Muscles build slowly over time with continued progress. Starting and stopping or changing things too frequently defeats the purpose. Be consistent with your exercise routine and build up volume through a solid strength training program that continues to challenge your muscles.
Get more sleep
You may not be seeing results because you aren’t well-rested! Your metabolism is slower when you haven’t slept. The body produces leptin, a hormone that tells us when to stop eating, and ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite; when we’re sleep-deprived, we’re producing less leptin and more ghrelin. With a slower metabolism, less leptin, and more ghrelin, you’re at risk of gaining weight. Therefore, adults should aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
Tired of hitting plateau after plateau? Having trouble losing weight and keeping it off? The professionals at Your Lean Life want to help you improve your health and become more confident in the skin you’re in! For more information about our programs, contact us today!

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