You’ve decided it’s time to lose weight — now what? If you’ve just started your weight loss journey, you may not know where to begin. “What should I be eating? What kind of exercise routine should I implement? How do I sustain a new lifestyle and diet?” The professionals at Your Lean Life guide you through this transition and teach the basics in our virtual Foundations Series. Here are a few things you’ll learn in our Foundations Series:
What Works Best For You?
When it comes to weight loss and living a healthier lifestyle, there is no “one-size-fits-all.” We’re all unique individuals with unique needs! Therefore, what works for one person may not work for you.
In our Foundations Series, we emphasize the importance of understanding your body and its needs. You won’t see results if you’re following protocol designed for someone else! We customize your diet and fitness plans based on your caloric needs, goals, and nutritional preferences.
Nutrition & Best Practices
Course 1 (3 weeks) in the Foundations Series covers nutrition & best practices. In this course, our professionals will teach basic nutritional principles, including all the macronutrients we need to fuel our bodies. You will learn how to implement this knowledge with Your Lean Life nutritional protocol to develop the best practices for you and your body.
Mental Discovery
Course 2 (4 weeks) is all about mental discovery and working through your relationship with food. Whether you restrict or overindulge, your relationship with food can affect your ability to lose weight! In this course, we dive deep into your dietary habits and the emotions tied to these habits.
Do you place unrealistic expectations on yourself by over-restricting? Do you overindulge when you’re bored or sad? At Your Lean Life, we want our clients to shift the way they look at food. Food is not the enemy and it’s not a coping mechanism — it’s fuel for our bodies!

Course 3 (4 weeks) is the final segment of the Foundations Series and covers fitness. In this final course, we will introduce the importance of exercise and resistance training in weight loss. Building muscle is crucial in improving overall body composition. People who live more sedentary lifestyles burn calories at a much slower rate than people who live active lifestyles.
Paired with personalized nutritional protocol and a healthier mindset, our fitness course will create the foundation for a successful weight loss program.
Contact Your Lean Life for more details and start dates!

Love Your Body: How to Build a Healthy Relationship with Food