Beginner’s Guide to Weight Loss: The Foundations Series

Not everyone has accountability partners on their weight loss journey — and that’s okay! You can still achieve your weight loss goals with a little discipline and self-responsibility. Your Lean Life has compiled a few accountability hacks that will help you stay on track:

A food and fitness journal

A key component of accountability is forming habits. As you make changes to your diet and fitness routine, hold yourself accountable by making a habit of logging all your meals and exercise.

There are apps that allow you to track meals and water intake, count macros, and so much more. If an app isn’t your style, find a physical food/fitness journal on Amazon. Regardless of your preference, using a food and fitness tracker will bring a new awareness to your habits and support you in your efforts to stay on track.

Time blocking

Making lifestyle changes may seem a bit time-consuming at first — but we make time for what’s important to us! Making dietary changes will require grocery trips, meal prepping, and more. Incorporating a new fitness routine into your week requires dedication. Whip out your planner or phone and get to time blocking!

Just as you would pencil an appointment into your calendar, you’re going to block out time for all the things you’ll do on a daily basis to reach your weight loss goal. Block off time for grocery shopping, meal prepping, trips to the gym, washing your gym clothes, etc. Once they’re on the calendar, they’re non-negotiables!

Encouraging affirmations or reminders

The way you speak to yourself is just as important as the physical work you put into your weight loss journey. At some point, you may feel discouraged or hit a plateau — but the way you speak to yourself is going to make all the difference in whether you give up or keep moving forward.

Using positive affirmations is a great way to remind yourself just how wonderful you are and how far you’ve come. Whether it’s a sticky note on the bathroom mirror or a reminder in your phone, positive affirmations are going to lift your spirits when you feel like giving up. Here are a few examples of positive affirmations:

  • “I love myself at any size”
  • “I am proud of who I am and how far I have come”
  • “A setback is not a failure but a redirection”
  • “I am motivated and strong”
  • “I can accomplish anything I set my mind to”

Feeling like you might need an accountability partner on your weight loss journey? The coaches at Your Lean Life are ready to assist! We offer 1-on-1 and group programs for those looking to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. Our coaches will keep you motivated by providing support and all the tools you’ll need to achieve your goals. Interested in learning more? Contact us today!