The holidays can be an exciting time for anyone. Seeing family, partaking in festive events, and best of all, eating seasonal food! The one issue with this wonderful part of the year is that it consists of constant snacking, heavy dishes, and sugary desserts that no one wants to miss out on. Staying on track with your diet during the holidays can be challenging, but with some strategic planning, you can enjoy the festivities without derailing your progress. Here are some holiday strategies while on a diet:

Meal Assessment

Before digging into your holiday plates and indulging, take the time to mentally assess your meal. Intuitive eating is an approach to eating that encourages listening to your body’s signals, trusting your instincts, and cultivating a healthy relationship with food. Ask yourself, “what is this meal providing for your body?” to ensure that you’re eating this meal for the right reasons. Be reasonable with yourself, but take into account what nutritional benefits the meal will bring you. Are you getting enough protein or vegetables? Are you setting limits on carbs and fats? Did you stop eating once you were feeling full? The purpose of asking yourself these questions is only to benefit you and your weight-loss journey, so keep them in mind during holiday occasions.

Rein in Your Eating

No one said you couldn’t still enjoy holiday meals, but you’ll need to learn how to rein in your eating to stay on track. Being mindful of your portion sizes is a huge strategy during the holiday season. Everyone is distracted when visiting and it can be easy to lose track of how much you’ve eaten. Avoid snacking in between sit-down meals, and pack your plate with appropriately sized servings. This way, you will have what you’re eating right in front of you, and it will be easier for you to stop. Take advantage of the rigorous environment, keeping your hands busy and out of the chip and dip bowl! Try and stay aware of why you’re eating, fueling your body with the nutrients it needs. Do not lose sight of this and it will be much easier to say, “one and done” for servings.

The holidays are meant to be enjoyable, so don’t let your diet damper your spirit. If you are in need of keto-friendly recipes for the holidays, check out Your Lean Life’s Recipe eBook to help stay on track while soothing the cravings you’ve had all year long! Interested in learning more about holiday eating strategies? Our professionals are ready to assist. Contact Your Lean Life today!


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