Let’s define “deserve”: to be worthy of, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital
Here is the scenario: You know you need to lose some weight. You decide you need to go on a diet and maybe exercise. You Google some stuff or flip through some magazines for recipes on “how to lose 10 pounds in…” and begrudgingly hop on a treadmill. 5 days later after barely keeping it together and internally (or externally) complaining about what you are eating, you decide, you “worked hard” all week and you deserve a reward for it. You go out to eat or get some drinks and your “reward” just undermined your week of success and your goal. You were accountable to yourself and you didn’t hold yourself accountable. You now need to almost start all over again. Sound familiar? Did you deserve that “reward”?
Let’s define “accountability”: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions
Here is the scenario: You know you need to lose some weight. You decide you need to go on a diet and maybe exercise. You contact Your Lean Life and get a solid, sustainable plan. You learn a little about nutrition and some science. You understand WHY you need to eat a certain way and HOW it affects your body. You are held accountable, not only to yourself but by your Nutritional Coach. After 1 week of sticking to the plan and reaching out for support when you need it, you have something to show for it in loss of scale weight, inches and most importantly Body Fat reduction. You “worked hard” all week and you deserve a reward for it, but you have learned that FOOD is not a reward. You celebrate your success in another way. You have retained your first week success and are more motivated to continue.
You deserve to become a better version of you. A leaner, healthier version. One that is not beholden to food as an emotional support, reward or entertainment. With a plan, education, accountability and support from Your Lean Life, you CAN achieve your goals and maintain them for the long term. So what do you deserve?

Love Your Body: How to Build a Healthy Relationship with Food