
Keto Protein Waffles (egg, meat, vegetable base)

This waffle recipe is very flexible and can be made with spinach (thus the green), heats of palm of pumpkin!  The whole egg to egg white ratio can be adjusted for less fat and seasoning can be adapted.  Check out the Pumpkin Pie Spice or Gingerbread Spice recipes for other alternatives!


Units Scale

150 grams raw egg

50 grams raw egg white

200 grams cooked chicken breast (can be canned!)

50 grams raw spinach (Can use 75 grams hearts of palm)

5 grams cinnamon

2 grams fine pink or sea salt


Weigh out large canned chicken breast, 3 whole eggs, egg whites, spinach, cinnamon and sea salt and blend until smooth in a blander or food processor

Pour onto HOT waffle iron, spread evenly, let it sit a few seconds and close lid

Cook longer than normal waffle (you will have to experiment with timing based on your waffle iron)


Makes 2 servings, number of waffles depends on your waffle maker

Per serving:

Protein 30 grams

Total Carbs 3.6 grams

Net Carbs 1.7 grams

Fat 9.2 grams
